---/ あーさのアプリ開発部屋 /---
(aaaSa App Development Room)

01. iOS App 'aaaSaMogu'
もぐらタッチゲームです。あーさの友達モグと遊びましょう。 たくさんタッチすると、食べ物が出てきます。 あーさは食いしん坊。たくさん食べさせてあげてね。
(This is a mole touch game. Playing with 'aaaSa's friend mole, named 'mogu'.
If you touch a lot, foods will come out.
'aaaSa' is a foodist. Please feed her a lot.)
aaaSaMoguImage001 aaaSaMoguImage002 aaaSaMoguImage003
開発環境(DEV):Xcode version15.4

(aaaSaMogu iOS Apps privacy policy page is here)

02. iOS App 'aaaSaRace -Fumikiri Lovers-'
車を走らせ、たくさんの踏切に会いに行きましょう。 踏切からも、あーさに会いにきます。壊さないように、踏切愛を維持しつつ 速いタイムで10マイル先のゴールに到着しましょう。
(This is car driving game for Fumikiri fan. Fumikiri means rail crossing.
This app is operated using an acceleration sensor.
Operate the car by placing your iPhone on the palm of your hand and tilting it while keeping it level.
Drive the car, let's go to meet many fumikiri's.
Fumikiri will come to meet aaaSa. Don't break, keep your Fumikiri love,
reach the goal 10 miles in a fast time.)
aaaSaRaceImage001 aaaSaRaceImage002 aaaaSaRaceImage003
開発環境(DEV):Xcode version15.4

iOSゲームアプリ'あーさのレース 踏切Lovers'のプライバシーポリシーページです。
(aaaSaMogu iOS Apps privacy policy page is here)

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